

Special Events
This site provides detailed information about amateur radio 2019/2020 Special Events.

Contest Calendar
This site provides detailed information about amateur radio contests throughout the world, including their scheduled dates/times, rules summaries, log submission information and links to the official rules as published by the contest sponsors.

QRZ Contest Rules
QRZ Operating Awards Rules & Criteria.

Parks On The Air
Parks on the Air SM (POTA) site for portable amateur radio operations that promote emergency awareness and communications from national and state/province level parks.

POTA YouTube Video
Short video about Parks On The Air: A Quick Start Guide ~ Portable Ham Radio

POTA YouTube Video
Short video about Parks On The Air

13 Colonies
For you ham radio operators out there that never participate in amateur radio contests you will want to do this one. The 13 Colonies contest is a fun contest held from 0900 hrs. eastern July 1 through 1159. hrs eastern July 7