- ntennas
- Texas Bug Catcher Main Trading Company
- The SERIOUS HF Mobile Antenna
- Radio Wavz Amature Radio Antennas
- We make your radio sound good!
- Cushcraft Amature Radio Antennas
- ARX-2B Vert, Monoband, Indep 2m, 7, Ringo II, A17B2 2m yagi beam with 18 dbi gain, and many more antennas.
- Wolf River Coils
- Wolf River Coils offers a wide variety of products for your mobile, portable and base station needs. For details, please visit our Products section.
- Towers
The ten most common tower mistakes
- You-Tube Station Grounding
- Station Grounding for Amateur Radio
- NA4RR Hegagonal Beam
- 6 Band hexagonal beam antenna covering 6, 10, 12, 15, 17, and 20 meter bands
The NA4RR broadband hexagonal beam is not a "kit". This is a plug-and-play design that not only fits your budget but is easy to assemble.
- 1/2 wave dipole, OCF dipole, windom, full wave loop, end fed, inverted L, portable end fed antenna, long wire, SWL antenna, fan dipole, multiband dipole, G5RV
- Ham Universe
- vertical bazooka antenna
- Antenna Plans
- Bazooka
- vertical bazooka antenna
- 6 Meter Vertical
- 6 Meter 5/8 Wave Vertical
- J-Pole
- Dual Frequency J-Pole