Our club is dedicated to Hellschreiber, or Hell, a unique, HF digital mode for sending and receiving text using facsimile technology in which the characters are not decoded,
but "painted" graphically on a screen for the operator to interpret.
The Knights (and Ladies) of the Kilocycle is Ham Radio's oldest continous net, meeting every Sunday at 7:30 A.M Eastern time on 3.910 since 1929. Some of the group also meets daily Monday through Saturday also on 3910 calling themselves the "Old
Goats" net. The pre-net is on 3.909 every day.
7.245 MHz pre net at 0700 - 0800 net from 0800 - 0900
The navy amateur radio club has been on the air since 3 March 1979, currently 7 days a week, and has 254 active nembers at this time. To be eligible for membership you must have had
honorable service in either the Navy, Marines, Coast Guard or Reserve components. Each new member is assigned a membership number which at the present time is 571.
VA Net
14.255 MHz 1200 - 1400 Monday - Friday
On February 1, 2011, Keith Tomas KE6TT, Larry Anderson W6LAR, Fred Ziegler K6NLX, Harley Brogdon KG6ZEL, Don Kramer WA6UVW, Mark Solheid KJ6BBI, and
Ted Gegoux, soon to become a ham, formed the Jerry Pettis VA Amateur Radio Club. Shortly after receiving our club call KJ6MUQ we applied and received our current call
What are Anderson Powerpole connectors? They're really popular for 12VDC power connections. This video explains how they work and shows how to mount the connectors
properly for amateur radio. Very good UTube video
You can use this web page to create QSL cards. The cards will be created in the form of a PDF document that you can then print on light-weight card stock.
We offer the absolute finest in ham radio study training materials and VERY EXCITING weekend classes -- taught by "Gordo-Approved Ham Instructors" in your area --
that do a lot more than just crunch the Q & A's.
This handy operating aid contains four useful references including the UTC time conversion chart, the ITU phonetic alphabet, guidelines to using the RST System,
communication procedures and good phone operating guidelines. From the ARRL
I create ham radio training videos as well as videos on other ham radio topics, including technical and operating topics. My goal is to help those new to ham radio progress through the ranks and enjoy the hobby to its fullest.
The R-S-T system is used by amateur radio operators, shortwave listeners, and other radio hobbyists to exchange information about the quality of a radio signal being received
This site provides detailed information about amateur radio contests throughout the world, including their scheduled dates/times, rules summaries, log submission information and links to the official rules as published by the contest sponsors.
Parks on the Air SM (POTA) site for portable amateur radio operations that promote emergency awareness and communications from national and state/province level parks.
For you ham radio operators out there that never participate in amateur radio contests you will want to do this one.
The 13 Colonies contest is a fun contest held from 0900 hrs. eastern July 1 through 1159. hrs eastern July 7
The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation, or AMSAT, is a worldwide group of Amateur Radio Operators (Hams). It was formed in the District of Columbia in 1969 as an educational organization
The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting to hams around the U.S. with news, information and ...
6 Band hexagonal beam antenna covering 6, 10, 12, 15, 17, and 20 meter bands
The NA4RR broadband hexagonal beam is not a "kit". This is a plug-and-play design that not only fits your budget but is easy to assemble.
DAVIS RF Co., Davis Associates, Inc., and its affiliate, Orion Wire Corporation provide electronic and electrical wire, cable, RF connectors, DSP audio filters, rope,
non-conductive guy cables for aerial or tower uport; plus sundry aerial related parts. Davis RF also furnishes wire and cable design and end product for almost any form of
specialty cable or custom application. Our services are providing high quality products for numerous industries and interests such as the government, military, avionics,
oceanographic, robotics, medical, marine, automotive, microwave, and the amateur radio hobby. Our company philosophy uports a high level of quality products and
exceptionally attractive pricing.
9913F Coax BELDEN 9913F Detailed Specifications & Technical Data
LMR-400 Coax LMR-400 Detailed Specifications & Technical Data
Sterling Hayden plays a carrier commander during the Korean War, but the film is essentially a flashback of his time on the same carrier (The USS Princeton) during
World War II and what was learned and required to get men physically and mentally ready to fight an intractable enemy - the Japanese - in "their own" waters (Japan-occupied
Philippines 1944 and various islands of the western Pacific that were (Iwo Jima) or temporarily (Carolines, etc.) became part of the Japanese Empire).)